Auto solar energy solutions slu

Fotowatio renewable ventures

We are experts in the development of vehicles, production plants and the optimization of their processes. When it comes to automotive development, you need someone with a holistic approach to mobility. Our expertise includes the comprehensive development and optimization of vehicles, production facilities, derivatives and modules. This has made us what we are today: independent engineering experts for the automotive industry. And your reliable partner for the mobility of the future.

Our world is becoming increasingly more digital and with it the future of mobility. Not only do we have to build very good means of transport – we also need to integrate them intelligently into new digital living- an d working environments.Therefore, smart technologies help us to make your manufacturing processes more efficient or your vehicle more comfortable and safe.Watch on YouTube

Maximum efficiency is what characterizes modern networked production. We are your partner on the way to your new SMART FACTORY: From the initial idea to the virtual implementation of your production solutions.Watch on YouTube

Edag berechnungsingenieur

Torresol Energy, an organization whose mission is to develop solar energy globally through investments in efficient and profitable concentrating solar power plants and thus become the pioneers of new solar thermal technologies, is undertaking a series of initiatives aimed at defining and standardizing both corporate and operational operations, with which it hopes to establish excellent service levels and operational competencies.

Likewise, in each new project it introduces new technologies in order to turn this energy into a viable, economically competitive and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional energies.

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Edag prüflabor

This company has started a new pilot project in which sand is the protagonist. Using this material to develop a high-temperature seasonal heat storage technology in sand.

What they do from Polar Night Energy is to convert electricity into heat and store it for later use. That is, they use sand as a storage medium, leading to safe operation and a natural balance in the storage cycle.

The CO₂ emissions of the heat storage system are embodied emissions from the construction materials and construction phase, ensuring that the heat extracted from the storage is as clean as the electricity fed to the storage.

Heat storage is always part of an energy system, whether it is a single building heating network, a large district heating network or a stand-alone island heating and power system.

They have a 3 MWh pilot test installation in operation in Finland. This installation is connected to a local district heating network and already provides heat to a couple of buildings.


From sensors that digitize physical phenomena, to data collectors and gateways, continuing with the transmission, ingestion and processing of big data to generate information and knowledge, and improve efficiency and revenue.

The technologies associated with IoT (Big Data, APIs, Cloud and Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence, etc.), enable communication between the real and virtual worlds, and help companies to optimize their processes and improve the security of their assets, with the use and exploitation of data collected from devices connected to each other (M2M) and to the cloud. Our IoT experts can guide you in leveraging these technologies.

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OpenGate provides you with a whole set of elements so that nothing can go wrong: a large, expert and up-to-date technical team, a set of services for the entire construction cycle, a set of partners, and above all, a platform adapted to your business model.

OpenGate uses the “datamodel” concept, as an ultra-flexible and configurable element to adapt, from the administration console, the physical and logical parameters of IoT to the corporate information model of the business, facilitating its interpretation and homogenization.